If the app is not live on the app store when you search New Wine Family AR, you can still download the app manually on to your phone.

Please follow these steps to access all the great content of the app by installing the APK file. An APK is a file that you can add to your phone that allows you to have access to the app content, just like when you click download on the app store.

1. Go to the Application menu, click on “Settings” and “Applications”. Make sure the first selection “Unknown Sources” is checked so that you can install an APK file from a location instead of Google Play. Click on “OK” when a warning says, “Do you want to download from an unknown source?”

2. Open the browser on your Android device and go to link where the application’s APK has been made available for download.

3. Then download the APK directly on to your Android device.

4. After downloading, click on the application’s APK file name and you will be shown more detailed information. Click on “Install” to install the APK file.

Please send an email to admin@missionalgen.co.uk and leave your telephone number if you would like us to call you to talk you through this process.

Please also keep an eye on this page as we will add the app store link as soon as it is live in the app store.