Thank you

YOU are investing in leaders of today and tomorrow.

TOGETHER, we will see local churches continuing to change nations starting today.

Thank you so much. You really are making a difference in seeing Spirit-filled leaders changing this nation.

New Wine Trust is a not-for-profit UK-based missional agency, charity no. 1084415.

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Bank Transfer, Standing Order & Cheque

New Wine Trust do not pay fees on these transactions. Our bank details are as follows:

Sort code: 20-65-90
Account: 03479978
Account Name: New Wine Trust

Please make cheques payable to ‘New Wine Trust’ and send to
New Wine Trust, 4A Ridley Avenue, Ealing, W13 9XW.

To add Gift Aid to your donation, please include ‘Gift Aid’ as a reference.

If you have previously signed a New Wine Gift Aid declaration, please include your name postcode in this reference, for example, ‘J SMITH – GA – [POSTCODE]