Godalming Minster is a fresh take on the ancient idea of a resource Christian community of care, teaching, nurture and worship which serves its area to grow disciples of Jesus and share the gospel with people.
We have multiple worship locations, schools and ministry hubs including a cafe, foodbank and landmark church buildings. Regular congregations span 1662 BCP, choral tradition, contemporary, classic, Messy and Muddy and Charismatic so that everyone can find a spiritual home and expression. We’re open to new forms of worship. Together the congregations involve about 400 people, with many more who participate in outreach activities.
Our vision - Following Jesus, Loving People and Renewing Faith - involves growing discipleship, mission, evangelism and becoming a younger church. Five years from now we want to see change within the Minster and the Godalming community, whereby pathways for encountering, exploring and coming to faith in Jesus are effective and flourishing for the good of the area we serve.
We now have two exciting clergy leadership roles:
Associate Minister for Hambledon and Discipleship
Associate Minister for Franklyn Road and Mission and Evangelism(Restricted to applicants for a post of first responsibility)
As an Associate Minister, you’ll have the opportunity to develop a local focal-ministry and the leadership of an important Minster-wide priority area. You’ll work with a great staff team and church community. Central to the roles is a team spirit and an enabling and collaborative leadership ability to foster teams, encourage people’s participation and raise new leaders.
For full details and Parish Profile please see the ad on the Godalming Minster web site (linked below) . If you would like to have an informal conversation please contact the Rector, Simon Taylor on 01483 421267 or simon.taylor@godalmingminster.org
Godalming Minster
Godalming Minster is a fresh take on the ancient idea of a resource Christian community of care, teaching, nurture and worship which serves its area to grow disciples of Jesus and share the gospel with people.
We have multiple worship locations, schools and ministry hubs including a cafe, foodbank and landmark church buildings. Regular congregations span 1662 BCP, choral tradition, contemporary, classic, Messy and Muddy and Charismatic so that everyone can find a spiritual home and expression.
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