We are New Wine

Join us.

Can your church support New Wine regularly?

I’m sure that you, like me, would acknowledge that New Wine has been an incredible blessing – to us as individuals, to our children and young people, and to our church itself. That’s why we would like to invite you to invest in our future. Could you please ask your church leadership to consider making New Wine part of your mission giving, at whatever level you can afford? I know that there are many worthy causes that need support, but I know that I want to put my church’s limited resources behind something that we know has been so transformative for so many.

These are challenging days for New Wine, but we know that the Lord is in control and he still seems to have plans for us. There is no doubt that our vision of “local churches, changing nations” is one that resonates with the needs of the moment. The Church is the vehicle so often for the only answer – Jesus and his love. For many decades, New Wine has been used by God to bring renewal and encouragement in the power of the Spirit to so many individuals and churches. As a network, our frontline is YOUR church and its members.

Last summer, New Wine faced a financial challenge that put our very survival at risk. Many people in the New Wine family responded and, with painful but necessary changes, we have been able to move ahead into 2023, planning both a National Leadership Conference and United gatherings. The challenge now is to ensure that New Wine doesn’t need such an extraordinary offering next year, or the year after. We are passionate about our vision. We want to see the experience of ministry, worship, youth and kids work of United find appropriate expressions in local churches all year round. We are committed to gathering in the future but we want to call you to commit to this cause, not just to an event. We know that we need to change to a more sustainable financial model and need generous giving to enable us to make that transition. Would you give not just a one-off gift in this extraordinary moment of challenge, but also join us in regular giving? Would you take this need to your church and commit into this movement as a church community?

We have a great legacy of lives changed and an incredible vision for the transformation of our nation. We don’t go to “New Wine”; we ARE New Wine! We are local churches, changing nations. Let’s commit to this vision together!

Paul Harcourt



From The Archbishop of Canterbury

“Wherever I go, I see that New Wine is one of the essential parts of the work of the Church of England and also of the broader life of the Church of God in these islands. The equipping and encouragement that New Wine’s networks provide to church leaders, church planters, children’s workers, youth workers, worship leaders and lay leaders makes a huge difference in the lives of hundreds of local churches. And the New Wine events are very significant places of renewal and refreshment for many thousands more, inspiring them to share the love of Jesus in a way that transforms the communities they serve.

I know that for myself and all our family New Wine was a gift in enabling refreshment and strengthening of all. New Wine’s vision, to see the nation changed through the local church, is one that I would love and encourage you to support generously and promptly, however you can, especially as we come out of the pandemic and face such need of a church renewed, strengthened and comforted.”

Honourable Justin Welby,
Archbishop of Canterbury


  • "As Founders of the debt help charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we’ve seen first hand the impact New Wine has had for over 15 years. So many supporters, churches and staff members were first introduced and drawn to be a part of CAP through New Wine. It is impossible to calculate the extent to which it played a pivotal role in CAP’s growth and development. We’ve also received much personal encouragement and have been deeply impacted. We will be personally supporting New Wine at this time and I'd ask everyone who has been blessed by the movement to do what you can to help."

    John and Lizzie Kirkby
  • "Christians Against Poverty and New Wine go way back. From exhibitions and conferences to a mutual desire to see the good news of the gospel proclaimed far and wide, we’ve shared a profound and special journey. In regularly gathering together thousands of passionate Christians, New Wine has given us the opportunity to talk to many more people and invite them to join our mission to see transformed lives, thriving churches and an end to UK poverty. As a result hundreds of people have become debt free and escaped from the grip of poverty, many of whom are now on their own journey with Jesus. It is an invaluable movement, especially at a time when our society is under extreme strain. The gospel brings urgently needed hope and that’s why we support New Wine wholeheartedly."

    Paula Stringer
    Chief Executive, Christians Against Poverty
  • "There are so many ways in which New Wine has been transformational for the UK church. The readiness of New Wine churches to find a practical outworking of their passion for God has enabled a huge increase in Churches partnering with TLG. As a direct result of the ministry of New Wine, TLG can see a huge increase in missional impact and lasting change for struggling children all across the UK."

    Tim Morfin
    , CEO, Transforming Lives for Good (TLG)
  • "I write as an individual who has benefited enormously from the ministry of New Wine over many years, and also as the CEO of World Vision. I believe the New Wine vision of “Local churches, changing nations” is a movement of God and the countless blessings which have come to individuals like me, to churches, and to communities throughout our land – and indeed the whole world - over the last few decades is ample demonstration of this. But this work is by no means finished; indeed following the pandemic, with the economic challenges we are facing now and an ever-growing list of global humanitarian crises, the role of revitalised local churches in changing nations is probably more needed than ever. That’s certainly how we see it at World Vision and why we value our friendship with New Wine so highly! So I commend the ministry of New Wine to your prayers that the Spirit of God might move His church to invest generously in enabling New Wine to continue its role in building the Kingdom."

    Mark Sheard
    World Vision UK



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Bank Transfer, Standing Order & Cheque

New Wine Trust do not pay fees on these transactions. Our bank details are as follows:

Sort code: 20-65-90
Account: 43628485
Account Name: New Wine Trust

Please make cheques payable to ‘New Wine Trust’ and send to
New Wine Trust, 4A Ridley Avenue, Ealing, W13 9XW.

To add Gift Aid to your donation, please include ‘Gift Aid’ as a reference.

If you have previously signed a New Wine Gift Aid declaration, please include your name postcode in this reference, for example, ‘J SMITH – GA – [POSTCODE]

Thank you

YOU are investing in leaders of today and tomorrow.

TOGETHER, we will see local churches continuing to change nations starting today.

Thank you so much. You really are making a difference in seeing Spirit-filled leaders changing this nation.

New Wine Trust is a not-for-profit UK-based missional agency, charity no. 1084415.

Make a one-off donation