Why do we need references?
Volunteers come into contact with many people and are in varying positions of responsibility. It is for this reason that we need references. We ask each applicant to provide two referees. One needs to be a church leader who has known the applicant for at least two years. The other should ideally have seen the applicant serving in a similar position to the team applied for. This is particularly important if the applicant is applying to work on a children’s team. This referee must also have known the applicant for at least two years.
Please be aware that referees should not be related to the applicant or be applying for the same team.
New Wine Festival 2025
This event is being held at the Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet. The programme for adults and children alike features a wide range of activities including teaching, seminars, worship and ministry. There are also plenty of fun activities happening throughout the day and into the evening. At New Wine we seek to draw deeper into relationship with God through passionate worship, inspirational teaching and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.
New Wine Leadership Conference 2025
This event is taking place at Harrogate Convention Centre, King’s Road, Harrogate and is a space for leaders, staff teams, and volunteers from across the nation come together, experience renewal by the Holy Spirit and and are sent out to be local churches changing nations. The conference also includes Raising Generations; our dedicated children’s and youth ministry stream.
Minor Events
Throughout the year, New Wine partners with local churches to run events throughout the country focussing on geographical or ministry areas. This may include events such as New Wine Worship Nights, Reset Women’s Day, Network Days or other conferences.
Team role description
Team members need to demonstrate:
- An active and living faith in Jesus and a desire to serve him
- The ability to work in a team and respond positively to leadership
- The appropriate physical resilience to cope with the demands of the role
- The ability to remain calm in stressful situations
- Punctuality, flexibility and initiative
New Wine’s vision
To see the nation changed through Christians experiencing the joy of worshipping God, the freedom of following Jesus, and the power of being filled with the Spirit.
To see churches renewed, strengthened and planted, living out the word of God in every aspect of life, serving God by reaching the lost, broken and poor, and demonstrating the good news of the Kingdom of God to all.
New Wine’s Values
Cross & Resurrection – we want to honour all that Jesus has done for us on the cross, and to embrace the way of the cross for ourselves, while also knowing the power of his resurrection to set us free.
Continuity & Change – we want to be faithful guardians of an unchanging message about the person and work of Jesus, and the need for personal salvation and sanctification, while also adapting ways of worship, teaching, being church and doing mission according to culture and context.
Gracious & Truthful – we want to be kind and generous in the way we think and speak about others whether they agree or disagree with us, while also clearly communicating what we believe and why we believe it.
Leadership & Every-member ministry – we want to train and deploy anointed, courageous and missional church leaders, while also equipping every Christian to serve like Jesus in their home, church, work and life-place.
Mission & Community – we want to see the church become a missionary movement to love and reach the lost, to care for the poor and to bring justice to our homes, neighbourhoods, workplaces and nations, while also being a grace-filled community in which people can find relationship, healing, faith, hope and love.
Natural & Supernatural – we want to see every Christian using all the natural reason, wisdom and skill that they can, while also learning to operate in the supernatural gifts of the Spirit to minister to others in love and power as Jesus did.
Now & Not yet of the Kingdom – we want to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God and to see that confirmed by miraculous signs and wonders, while also ministering grace to all, knowing that suffering will be part of life until Jesus returns and makes all things new.
Transcendence & Presence – we want to live lives that celebrate God’s awesome power, transcendent majesty and sovereign work, while at the same time experiencing his intimate presence as we encounter him in heartfelt worship.
Unity & Diversity – we want to work with everyone who holds these values in open, mutually accountable friendship, while also acknowledging and honouring differences in leadership style, church characteristics and denominational emphasis.
Word & Spirit – we want to derive all we believe, teach and do from the Bible as the written word of God, while also learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit speaking to us individually and collectively.