Reset Worcester

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Hi friends, we are SO excited to welcome you to Worcester to join in with all that God wants to do among us on Feb 1st! We are super expectant for the way that the Holy Spirit will move and excited to hear God’s word unpacked by the fabulous Dot Tyler and Jess Fellows.

Do come and join us, it won’t be the same without you!

Kath and the Reset team x



All Saints Church,

Public transport

Nearest train stations:

  • Foregate Street Train Station, Foregate Street, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR1 1DB
  • Shrub Hill Train Station, Shrub Hill Road, Worcester Worcestershire, WR4 9EJ
Travelling by bus:

​​The following bus lines have routes that pass near All Saints, Worcester: 150A and 150B.


Our nearest car parks are:

Here are other car parks near by:


Disabled Car Parking

We have disabled car parking spaces at All Saints Church; as these are limited, we would ask that you please email in advance of the event so that we can save you a space. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Accessible Church

There is ramp access to the church and an accessible toilet in our portacabins. More information about accessibility at this venue is available here. Please email if you require reserved seating or have other accessibility needs.



Kath Johnson

Kath is passionate about local churches living out their justice calling and works for IJM UK to equip churches for this journey. She helps lead All Saints Worcester with Rich. She has the joy of parenting, loves dog walks and time with friends.

Jess Fellows

Jess Fellows is one of the associate vicar’s at All Saints Worcester. Her job title is “student & twenties missioner” and she is passionate about sharing the gospel with the next generation. When she’s not hanging out with students, you’ll probably find her in a coffee shop with a flat white and almond croissant!

Dot Tyler

Dot Tyler is the new GB Director for 24-7 Prayer. She is passionate about serving the church and being part of a more just world. You will find her happily in coffee shops exploring ideas for how to grow in prayer, curious to learn and excited about stories of transformation! She joins 24-7 Prayer having been a Co-Director of The Justice Conference UK and Head of Youth at Tearfund.


RESET 2025