Let’s Change the Climate – with Tearfund

The climate crisis is the greatest problem that humanity is facing. But we, together, can be the solution. No matter how great the crisis may be, our God is greater, and when the Church comes together, we can achieve the extraordinary. 

But it can be difficult to know where to even start.

Last week at the New Wine National Leadership Conference, I joined Mark Melluish, from St Paul’s Ealing, to explore this issue, revealing how together, as the Church, we can change the climate. We discussed how our faith calls us to respond, and gives us the tools to do so. 

In recent years, the climate crisis has moved up the public agenda and become a core focus for Tearfund, because we believe that taking action on the climate crisis is firmly rooted in our faith. Let me tell you why…

A beautiful yet broken world

Tearfund’s climate work is rooted in love for the world God has made. 

God is a creative God who made a beautiful world that he delights in. A creation that goes far beyond any human-made environmental movement. Creation was made by Jesus, through Jesus and for Jesus (Colossians 1:16) and God has declared it ‘very good’ (Genesis 1:31).

Yet, the climate crisis is pushing creation to breaking point. 

Called to love our neighbours

Tearfund’s climate work is also rooted in love for our global neighbours, who are suffering the most as the climate changes.

We’ve witnessed the devastating impact of climate breakdown on the communities we serve for decades – and we’ve seen these impacts getting worse. Millions who have lifted themselves out of poverty are rapidly being pushed back into it.

Jesus’ greatest commandments are to love him and to love our neighbours, and as his followers, we are compelled to take action out of love for those who are in need.

Jesus is our ultimate hope

It is Jesus who brings salvation, and he who changes lives. He came to restore all things – people and the wider creation – and we know that one day everything will be made new. 

But the Bible is clear that, far from being passive spectators, we are called to be part of this restoration work. Taking care of the earth and its resources, loving our neighbours, meeting their needs, standing up for the rights of the oppressed, and challenging unjust systems.

‘Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy’ (Proverbs 31 v 9).

Leading the way

We believe the Church has a key role to play at this crucial moment. 

That’s why we’ve launched – Let’s Change the Climate. A week-long challenge your church can take on to explore the intersections between faith and climate, alongside a visiting Tearfund speaker at the end of the week.

Together with St Paul’s Ealing, Mark Melluish took on Let’s Change the Climate. Reducing water and energy, switching to more sustainable diets, cutting out plastic, and travelling a little differently! All of this alongside engaging with daily climate videos, prayers, and Bible passages to reflect on. You too can journey with your Church in this way.

So, Let’s Change the Climate, and put our faith and hope into action! Sign up today.

Laura Young is Programme Manager for Tearfund.