May Prayer Diary

As we approach Pentecost, we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to pray for those people most in need across our world and in our own communities.


World Vision invite you to join them in prayer for those whose lives are broken by conflict, crisis and climate change.

Inspired by our Christian faith, we help children – of all faiths and none – in some of the world’s most dangerous places. We believe it takes a whole community to create happy and fulfilling childhoods. And we work together with communities, so they’re empowered to do just that.

Dear Lord, hear our prayers for children escaping disasters and conflict. Children in danger and at risk from abuse and exploitation, hunger, disease, and homelessness. We pray healing from the unimaginable horrors they have witnessed.

Loving Father, our world is facing unprecedented global refugee and hunger crises – arising and worsening due to COVID-19, conflicts, and climate change. We continue to seek your plan for all we do to serve the most vulnerable children and families.

And Lord, help us to patiently and expectantly wait on You, just as the Apostles did two millennia ago. Because with You we can achieve immeasurably more than in our own strength.




Transforming Lives for Good (TLG), is a Christian children’s charity passionate about seeing struggling children find hope in the face of adversity. TLG offers a practical approach to build strong connections between local churches, families and schools; providing a lifeline to children and families facing heart-breaking challenges.

We pray for children and families who are feeling the impact of the cost of living crisis. Father God, would you provide for these families, both practically and emotionally. We pray that children wouldn’t carry any stress or worry caused by this crisis, that they would receive everything they need and be able to continue to learn and grow.

We pray for children who are facing family breakdown, bereavement and those living in challenging homes. Would these children know your perfect love, would you comfort them and bless them. We pray that you would place people in their lives to offer care and support.


Thank you for joining us in prayer.

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