The joy of gathering again
I arrived at Reset exhausted and in desperate need of an encounter with God. I enjoyed every aspect of the day - the anointed worship, the prophetic visualisation, the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit. I had encouraging words for people I knew and others I had never met before. I had a nagging pain in the bottom of my left heel from running which I was worried was the start of a more serious condition. When Anne Coles asked if anyone had been healed during the day I realised that the pain was gone and it hasn't come back!
Chara HosieSt Bride's Old Trafford -
I heard from God during the first set of worship and was given the opportunity to share that during the day. This means I can’t easily deny or forget what I heard, which is really helpful. I was incredibly blessed to be prayed for and prophesied over repeatedly and I’ve kept records of everything that was said. Everyone there was on amazing form because they’d come to meet with Jesus and it was a wonderful day because of this. Thank you so much
Jenny RadfordSt Hilda’s Hunts Cross, Liverpool -
Anne Coles offered to pray for healing of eye problems. Nine years ago, I had major surgery on my left eye. This cured the main problem but scarring on the back of my eye caused some distortion of vision, which was inconvenient. This has now gone, which is wonderful and shows God's power.
Jan MalpasSt Mary's Hollingworth -
As a new Christian, fellowship and worship are very important to me. I am the only believer in my house and I need to feel the joy of collective worship and prayer. I loved the whole day and felt a strong connection with the Holy Spirit. I have never done prophetic visualisation before and it was extremely vivid. I got so much from the day and left full of joy
Deborah TaylorHyde Hope Community Church -
I had felt overwhelmed by needs around me: in work, my community and in church. I felt God was saying all I needed was to have Jesus in me. I don't need to fix anything; just let Jesus shine out of me. This was confirmed in the prayer time.
Deb GibsonHoly Trinity Hurdsfield -
It was wonderful to be able to engage in sung worship with many other women after so long of being deprived of that. It was so beautiful. Also when praying with someone, they had such a clear picture for me from God of a situation that they did not know about, it was incredible. It was God speaking to me so powerfully. Insomnia has been a quite constant feature of my life in recent months. I didn't go forward for prayer about it, but since the weekend it's not been a problem at all - Praise God!
Anon -
When I prayed for someone I didn't know, we had a great time and I felt really encouraged that we could both hear what God was saying to us. It was like the lights being turned on again in the prophetic. In the queue for prayer, I prayed God would send the right person to pray as it was a sensitive issue and he did!
Anon -
I was really blessed to have the opportunity and space to acknowledge the hardships and struggles of the last two years, after having ‘soldiered on’ throughout the pandemic, not having stopped work and really struggling to participate in anything outside of work on Zoom or Teams. I became disconnected from church, faith and friends. I felt that the day helped me to reset my relationship with God and reconnect with my faith. I came away feeling refreshed, renewed and released.