Kids Team

Kids Team


Pre-school and Reception – Year 6

DBS Required for those aged 17+ (age when onsite)

We’re passionate about seeing children meet with God! Check out our vision for kids’ ministry here. Where else can you spend time with some of the most enthusiastic people you’ll ever meet? Serving on Team in one of the children’s venues is a rewarding, energising, and fun way of giving back – and you’ll see God do some amazing things along the way.

In all kids’ teams, you’ll befriend, lead, and encourage the children, get alongside them in small groups, pray with and for them, minister to them in the power of the Spirit, and encourage them to pray for each other. You’ll serve as a small group leader, either on your own or paired up with another team member. Some teams also need activity leaders who organise, prepare, and supervise drama, games, or crafts and assist with the practical needs of the team while not being directly responsible for a group of children.


The sub-teams of New Wine Kids are:

  • Gems (ages 0-2 / Pre-school)
  • Pebbles (ages 3-4 / Pre-school)
  • Stepping Stones (Families with kids aged 0-4 / Pre-school)
  • Ground Breakers (ages 5-7 / Reception-Year 2)
  • Rock Solid (ages 8-9 / School Years 3-4)
  • Boulder Gang (ages 10-11 / School years 5-6)
  • Stomping Ground



7:55 am Team Arrive 

First thing in the morning, we meet together for a time of worship and teaching on the theme of that day, making sure we are ready and prepared for the morning ahead.


9:15 am Doors Open for Kids Sign in 

The children attend their groups every morning from 9:15am – 12:15pm. Each morning will follow the same structure.


9:30 am Programme Starts  

In Gems (0-2s) You will be caring for the youngest on-site, who are split into age groups. Here, you will be assigned two or three ‘Key Children’ that you will see daily to pray for them, play with them, and help them engage in age-appropriate teaching, prayer, and worship.


In Pebbles (0-4s), you will be assigned a small group with other leaders and a number of children whom you will be with every morning. You will get to know these children and spend time guiding them through the tailor-made program of storytelling, play, prayer, and worship to help them start a life-long journey with Jesus.


12:15 pm Parents Collect 


12:30 pm Lunch In Team Catering Or At Your Campsite 


14:00 pm

During this time, we facilitate various activities, such as teaching and training on working with under-5s, family encounters, the team celebration and prepping items such as crafts for the following day.

16:00 pm Onwards

You are free to enjoy the festival; attend the evening celebration, attend after-hours programmes or just chill out.

Click below for more information on each of these sub-teams.


All Team will receive training pre-site and on-site, and those over 17 years will need to undergo a DBS check as part of the application process (see the main Teams page for further info).



  • Young Team 13-17 years
  • Adult team 18+


You will need:

  • A heart to serve.
  • Bags of energy and enthusiasm.
  • To be active and willing to help children engage with Jesus.
  • Be able to be part of a team and be ready for anything.
  • Recent experience of working with children.

*Serving on the kids and youth teams can be physically demanding and require a lot of moving around and sitting on the floor. If this may prove difficult for you, please contact to discuss how we might best support your needs.



Team hours are varied. kids teams typically work morning and evening shifts, although some positions require off-hours or shift work.


New Wine wouldn’t exist without our army of volunteers – there are thousands! We know how important you are to the New Wine family and want to make sure you are valued.

Each Team member pays a non-refundable £30 fee. This is to contribute to the significant costs of administering all the necessary management and administration, which New Wine meets the majority of centrally as an organisation. You will also need to provide your own accommodation (either on or off-site).

Completing your application form…

  1. Make sure you follow the correct link to apply for your chosen Team (e.g., Young Team 13-17 years have a separate application form to adult team)
  2. You’ll need a digital photo of yourself for your Team badge: full colour, clearly visible headshot image no larger than 2MB
  3. You’ll need contact details (name and email address) for 2 referees



Volunteers come into contact with many people and are in varying positions of responsibility. It is for this reason that we ask each applicant to provide two referees.