New Wine is
  • Leadership
  • Releasing
  • Discipling
  • Spirit-filled
  • Not for profit
  • Missional
  • Local church


Join us this summer!

This summer we’ll regather as a family to celebrate everything God has been doing in our lives, churches, and communities. We’ll encounter him afresh together and take his blessing back home – to see the nation changed. With impactful teaching, worship, Holy Spirit ministry, community, connection, and transformational encounters with God. There will be programmes for all ages, with New Wine Kids groups and LUMINOSITY for 11-18s.


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    Jonny Taylor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

    Rhiannon Taylor
  • Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Molly Taylor

Who we are

What we do

Play your part

Jon Tyson

is the Lead Pastor of Church of the City, New York, USA. Originally from Adelaide, Australia, he is the author of many books including Rumors of God, Sacred Roots, A Creative Minority, The Burden is Light, Beautiful Resistance, and The Intentional Father.

United A

Amy Orr Ewing

is a speaker, theologian and author of multiple books including Where is God in All the Suffering? and Why Trust The Bible? She is interested in the intersection of questions of meaning and faith with the marketplace, education, leadership and policymaking.

United B